Pricing & Contact

Price depends on factors including: product, quantity, hose length and travel time from our yard. Our competitive prices include the product, delivery, installation, clean-up, and permits when needed. There is a minimum cost based on the product, to send out a blower truck.

Looking for an estimate? Fill out our quick form below!

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Every job is estimated to give you the best possible price. You’ll be contacted as soon as possible.

(This is a free quote with no obligation.)


Cubic Yards Calculator

We start all of our projects by first getting to know the size of the project. Cubic yards helps us easily visualize the space. Measure each area or bed separately.







0 yards³


Pacific Bark Blowers

In person

5985 Thorne Avenue Burnaby
British Columbia
V3N 2T8

Monday – Friday: 7am – 3pm

By phone

Monday – Friday
7am – 3pm

By email

Be sure to include your name, phone number, and address of job site.